What happens after I place an order?

You will receive a confirmation email which will include a summary of your purchase. Once shipped, you will receive a notification from your delivery partner.

For any assistance with your order please get in touch with our customer care team by emailing us at info@mydelhibelly.co.uk

Can I cancel my order?

Order cannot be cancelled once placed. For special circumstances, please email us at info@mydelhibelly.co.uk

I have entered an incorrect address what do I do now?
If you have miss spelled or auto filled in a incorrect address, simply reply to your order confirmation email and confirm. We will try to solve your query. Alternatively email us at info@mydelhibelly.co.uk

How should I prepare my box arrives?

All our meals are delivered frozen to preserve the flavour and quality of the food. Remove all of the frozen food items  and place straight in the freezer or simply defrost it in microwave or cook it on the gas stove for maximum flavour.

 Can you do weekly lunches as well?

Yes, we can provide monthly or weekly lunches as well customised to you and your routine. Please reach out to us at +447867807797 for more information and a custom plan. Trust us, you would want to have more and more after trying us.

How much is the shipping?

We charge £3.99 for the shipping for all the orders under £50. Shipping is free over £50. 

Which areas do we cover?

We ship across the whole of the UK.